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Diocesan News


There is still time to register for the 2023 Annual Diocesan Conference: “Eucharistic Revival, The Source and Summit of Our Faith”! Our speakers include Dr. John Bergsma (pictured below left), Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, and Tim Staples (pictured below right), Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at Catholic Answers. Read more about all of our speakers HERE.



The Office of Family Life will host the annual Pro-Life Rosary Walk on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:30pm. All are invited to join in the 2-mile walk to pray for a respect for human life at all stages -- from conception until natural death. 

The walk will begin at the corner of Boston and Santa Ursula in front of Hernandez-Lopez Funeral Home and end at San Agustín Cathedral. A Mass will follow.  

Bishop James A. Tamayo and the faithful of the Diocese of Laredo join the Church universal in mourning the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to His Holiness Pope Francis and join him in offering our prayers for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. As a faithful servant of God, Pope Benedict dedicated his life and ministry as Pope in the service of inviting all people to an encounter with God through the Church and its ministries.

May his soul and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Great hope filled the world when our Savior Jesus Christ was born! He was a king like no other – one who came into the world as a helpless infant. Over 2000 years later, we continue to rejoice and celebrate the holy birth of our Savior!


Advent begins the new Liturgical Year. In Latin "Adventus" means “coming.” We recall the cry of the early Christians: Maranatha! – “Come, Lord Jesus.” It is a time of vigilant waiting that prepares us to welcome the mystery of the Word Incarnate, who enters the world through the immaculate womb of Blessed Virgin Mary.

Today, Saturday, November 26, 2022, is a momentous day for the Diocese of Laredo as we welcomed a new priest and a new transitional deacon. José Luis Restrepo, currently a transitional deacon at San Agustín Cathedral, was ordained into the priesthood, and seminarian Jerry Gutierrez, who is serving at Christ the King Church in Laredo, was ordained a transitional deacon for the Diocese of Laredo!
