April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Diocese of Laredo recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. Each year, the Diocese of Laredo joins the nationwide awareness efforts by providing educational resources to its communities on how to recognize, report, and prevent child sexual abuse, through social media, radio announcements, and parish bulletins blurbs. In addition, students from our schools and our diocesan staff participate in awareness activities throughout the month. Join the movement by sharing our efforts, reporting child abuse, and honoring the strength and resilience of survivors of child abuse.
Message to all church personnel who work with the children and youth of the Diocese of Laredo:
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to recognize that we each play a part in promoting the social and emotional well-being of children and families in our communities. The Diocese of Laredo is committed to ensuring that children served by the Church are not at risk of sexual abuse by our Church personnel. Brothers and sisters, we are all responsible for the care and protection of children by creating a culture of safety in which our children can grow in their formative years.
Today, I wish to recognize all the wonderful volunteers, staff, and administrators of our academic and religious education and youth ministry programs for all your efforts in maintaining a safe environment in our parishes and schools. Thank you for looking beyond yourself and focusing on the next generation. And, thank you for your continued participation in the Diocese of Laredo Safe Environment Program. This is a great sign of your commitment to our child protection policies.
God bless your efforts, and thank you for making your church and school communities a safe place for children!
- Most Rev. James A. Tamayo, D.D.