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Diocesan News

Pilgrimage is a religious journey to visit a holy site or holy person, and such journeys are found in many religious traditions. In Christianity, and in the Jesuit tradition particularly, pilgrimage has long had a central place at times when people are passing through major growth stages and seek to encounter God and to know themselves in a more profound way. 


Celebrate a Milestone of Love and Faith at the Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Mass!

Gold and Silver Wedding Anniversary Masses are significant in the Catholic tradition for several reasons:

Celebration of Sacramental Marriage: In Catholicism, marriage is considered a sacrament, a visible sign of God's grace. These anniversaries, especially the 25th (Silver) and 50th (Gold), mark significant milestones in a sacramental union. They offer an opportunity for the Church to recognize and honor the commitment and faithfulness of married couples.

Join the Life Chain on October 1, 2023

Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Location: Sidewalks of Hillside Road and McPherson Road, Laredo

We invite you to join us at the Life Chain event, where we will express our belief that Every Human Life is Important and Sacred, from conception to natural death.

This will be a moment of peace as we gather to pray for respect for the life of every human being. People of all faiths are welcome to join us in this important endeavor.

We engaged in a meaningful conversation with Hector Herrera, one of our most steadfast donors, delving into the reasons why fostering a culture of sharing is consistently valuable.


