How will the parish goals be determined?
Parish goal calculations are based on 110% of the 2016 offertory.
How much will my parish receive as part of this campaign?
As part of the San Agustín Cathedral: Our Story, Our Faith, Our Cathedral Capital Campaign, each parish will keep 100% of the funds raised above their parish campaign goal.
Is our parish goal an assessment?
All parishes are asked to conduct a “Good Faith Effort” and work with their assigned campaign director to achieve their goal. If, after conducting a “Good Faith Effort” the parish does not meet its goal, the parish will not be assessed the balance.
How will the campaign affect our parish offertory?
Traditionally, offertory giving should remain consistent. Parish leadership and Counsel will make sure to communicate to parishioners to consider a greater sacrifice and commitment above and beyond their regular offertory giving, and should not lower their offertory giving to their parish in order to make a gift to this effort.
Are pledges legally binding?
Pledges are not legally binding. If the donor’s financial situation changes such that a pledge cannot be satisfied, simply communicate with the Office of Stewardship and Development and inform them so they will not send further communications regarding the pledge.
Will any of these funds be used for items other than the established case elements?
No. The Diocese of Laredo is obligated to restrict these funds for the stated elements. The funds raised for the campaign will be used exclusively for the named case elements and expenses.
How will my parish benefit from this campaign?
We are the people, parishes, and schools that make up the Diocese of Laredo, and we should be committed to sustaining and growing the ministries and spirituality of the faithful both now and in the future. With this in mind, the intention is for this campaign to benefit the Diocese of Laredo.
- By returning 100% of the monies raised after the parish goal, we hope that our local churches will be able to address projects that can make an immediate impact on parish life.
- By providing funds to restore and renovate our San Agustín Cathedral, we will ensure that we are providing our catholic community with a place to gather with our Bishop to pray, to offer worship to God, to participate in the saving mysteries of salvation, to gather as a family of faith, hope and love to further the mission of Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Gospel to the world.
Who handles the redemption of the pledges?
The Diocese of Laredo will be responsible for the redemption of the pledges. The Office of Stewardship and Development will track pledges and gifts, and handle the mailing of payment reminders over the 4-year pledge redemption period.
How much should I give to the campaign?
Parishioners are asked to prayerfully consider a specific gift plan in accordance with their own means, circumstances and sacrificial levels. Pledges are payable in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments over a 4-year period.
Why are pledges encouraged, instead of one-time donations?
Pledges provide parishioners with the opportunity to make a more significant gift to the mission of the Church. A contribution is easier to pay off over a period of time rather than a one-time gift out of pocket. In addition, pledges allow the Diocese of Laredo and your local parish to better budget and plan for meeting the needs that will be addressed as a result of this campaign.