Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am honored and graced by the opportunity to serve as the first Bishop for the Diocese of Laredo. Since 2000, it has been a blessing to travel throughout our Diocese, meet thousands of the good people entrusted to my pastoral care, and witness the strength of their faith. We are blessed to be one family of God, a multicultural community of believers whose mission is “to serve one another with the love of Christ.”
From the very beginning of our history as a Church here in South Texas, it was the people of God who built the beautiful Church we now call our Cathedral. It was they who sacrificed and requested that priests from the nearby dioceses come and celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacraments of our Catholic Church. It is because of their love of the Lord and their faith that we can stand and worship in our parishes today. Indeed, it is a story of faith and sacrifice, of music and celebration, of hard work and perseverance, of the priests, brothers, sisters and lay people. It is a story of the people of God. We, who are beneficiaries of their faith and sacrifices, must honor and continue to build on this foundation. The following pages outline our plan to ensure that our Cathedral continues to maintain its vitality and preeminence as a house of worship, prayer and inspiration for all people.
I invite you to be a part of the San Agustín Cathedral: Our Story, Our Faith, Our Cathedral Campaign to fund the restoration and renovation of our Mother Church. The success of this campaign will depend upon your committed involvement, prayer, and finances. It gives us the opportunity to sacrifice in the name of Christ Jesus, accomplishing great things for our local Church. While this effort will require sacrifice from us all, I have every confidence that we will, with God’s help, achieve our goal – the restoration and renewal of our Cathedral.
Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness. May the grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Todo Con Amor,
Most Reverend James Anthony Tamayo, D.D.
First Bishop of Laredo